University of Michigan LDAPv2 Client Library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 2000 This directory contains the files necessary for writing LDAP client software for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha. They are built from the UMich LDAPv2 software released a long time ago (Version 3.3, April 1996) which is available at For more recent, supported, free LDAP you could look at OpenLDAP ( but this is not available on OpenVMS owing to the very Unix-centric build procedure. Dowloading ---------- Transfer the .H files in text mode, the .OLB_* files in binary mode. (If you retrieve them using the Madgoat or MultiNet FTP clients you won't need to worry about this.) Once on your system, move all the *.H files to SYS$LIBRARY: and move the appropriate LIBLDAP.OLB_xxx file to SYS$LIBRARY:LIBLDAP.OLB. Using these files ----------------- In your program, you need only to refer to the LIBLDAP.H file to get all the others. It helps to make the following logocal name assignment, too: $ define/system LIBLDAP SYS$LIBRARY:LIBLDAP.OLB then you can simply $ link program,libldap/library Using Perl ---------- This software will work with the Perl Net::LDAPapi module provided you replace the supplied LDAP_COMPAT.H file by the one found in this directory.